
A powerful manufacturer of high-end semiconductor laser products

A powerful manufacturer of high-end semiconductor laser products

A powerful manufacturer of high-end semiconductor laser products



Laser Direct Imaging(LDI) Lidar Laser Cosmetology Plastic Welding & Soldering Pumping Sources Blue Laser

High Power Blue Lasers- Han's TCS' Technology Benefits


In recent years, fiber lasers have developed rapidly and are widely used for cutting and welding materials such as carbon steel and stainless steel. However, this NIR laser absorbs little when welding metal materials such as copper and gold, easily sputtering and have air holes, and requires a high laser power. However, the shorter wavelength offers a much better absorption match for welding and 3D printing certain materials. The blue laser is able to perform welding more quickly than infrared ones, especially for colored matals like gold, copper, and other reflective metals.

In order to meet the demand for blue laser in the market, Han’s TCS has launched blue semiconductor laser after technical research and solving various difficulties. The wavelength is 450nm, and the power 50W, 100W, 200W, 500W and others available. Han's TCS was using single-emitter diodes instead of diode bars, so that the diodes could deliver better brightness, higher thermal stability and long-term stability. The products have run long-term aging tests, with excellent quality and stability, and can be used for welding, cladding and laser additive manufacturing of copper, gold and alloys containing those metals.

About Han's TCS

Han’s TCS was founded in 2011, located in Beijing Development Area, has been focusing on the development, production and sales of high-quality semiconductor laser devices and systems for more than 10 years.our company has complete equipment and production lines from chip packaging to fiber coupling, is a very powerful high-quality semiconductor laser manufacturer.In 2019, our company established a subsidiary, Han's TianCheng Optronics Co., LTD. in Tianjin Beichen Development Area, to expand the production capacity of semiconductor lasers and meet the product needs of domestic and foreign customers. Our company produces high quality semiconductor laser products, power from watts to kilowatts, wavelength from 375nm to 1550nm to near-infrared band, which is widely used in laser direct imaging (LDI) laser radar,laser medical beauty, laser welding, laser solid state laser and fiber laser pump source and other field.

Han’s TCS Co., Ltd.

Address: Han’s Enterprise Bay, No.8, Liangshuihe No.2 Street, Beijing Development Area.

Website: www.ecdcenter.com

Tel: 86-10-67808515

Email: sales@tc-semi.com

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Address: No. 8, Liangshuihe 2nd Street, Beijing Development Area, Beijing, China.

Tel: 86-10-67808515

Email: sales@tc-semi.com

Tianjin factory address: No. 117, Yongjin Road, Beichen Economic and Technology Development Area(BEDA),Tianjin, China.

Tel: 86-22-26876901-6006

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