
A powerful manufacturer of high-end semiconductor laser products

A powerful manufacturer of high-end semiconductor laser products

A powerful manufacturer of high-end semiconductor laser products



Laser Direct Imaging(LDI) Lidar Laser Cosmetology Plastic Welding & Soldering Pumping Sources Blue Laser

Hans TCS provides laser product of plastic welding and soldering 


Plastic laser welding

Currently, the range of materials that can be welded by laser is gradually expanding beyond traditional metallic materials. In the plastics industry, lasers have been used in a wide range of applications such as medical devices, automotive electronics, packaging and various microelectronic products. The basic principle of laser plastic welding is to melt the plastic contact surfaces with the heat generated by the laser beam, thereby bonding thermoplastic sheets, films or molded parts together.

Hans TCS supplies semiconductor laser diodes to manufacturers and assembling company of laser plastic welding equipment for simultaneous laser welding, laser contour welding and quasi-synchronous laser welding.With years of research, development and production of semiconductor lasers, the company has excellent quality control of laser producat. We have unique insight into the environment and scenario of its application, and can make high life time devices to adapt to the environment and make the equipment more stable. We have the ability to do independent optical design for the difficult welding points of various kinds of headlights, which makes the welding effect and welding strength better compared with other manufacturers.

As a leading manufacturer of semiconductor lasers in China, Hans TCS has reached the international leading level in semiconductor laser diode packaging and fiber coupling technology, and has accumulated years of experience in optical simulation and solving the difficulties of plastic welding. The company is geared towards the laser plastic welding industry and can provide customers with:

1. Simultaneous Welding Diode and System

2. Laser Contour Welding Product

3. Quasi-Simultaneous Welding Product

4. Handheld Plastic Laser Welding Machine 

Laser soldering

Solder is an important process for soldering electronic components in electronic circuits, and its soldering quality directly affects electronic components as well as electronic circuits. Traditional soldering iron requires preheating, poor soldering consistency and low efficiency.

The main feature of laser soldering is to use the high energy of the laser to achieve rapid heating of local or small areas to complete the process of soldering. Controllable welding energy, high welding efficiency, good welding effect, high consistency, greatly ensure the service life of the welded workpiece. As a new technology, laser soldering is gradually replacing electric soldering iron and becoming a new trend of soldering.

As a leading manufacturer of semiconductor lasers in China, Hans TCS has reached the international leading level in semiconductor laser diode packaging and fiber coupling technology. Oriented to the laser soldering industry, the company can provide customers with a wide range of user-friendly products, including:

1. 9xx nm laser module

2. 9xx nm laser

3.Blue laser

4. Other customized products such as customized wavelength, aiming light, fiber core diameter, light spot, and constant temperature power supply.

About Han's TCS

Han’s TCS was founded in 2011, located in Beijing Development Area, has been focusing on the development, production and sales of high-quality semiconductor laser devices and systems for more than 10 years.our company has complete equipment and production lines from chip packaging to fiber coupling, is a very powerful high-quality semiconductor laser manufacturer.In 2019, our company established a subsidiary, Han's TianCheng Optronics Co., LTD. in Tianjin Beichen Development Area, to expand the production capacity of semiconductor lasers and meet the product needs of domestic and foreign customers. Our company produces high quality semiconductor laser products, power from watts to kilowatts, wavelength from 375nm to 1550nm to near-infrared band, which is widely used in laser direct imaging (LDI) laser radar,laser medical beauty, laser welding, laser solid state laser and fiber laser pump source and other field.

Han’s TCS Co., Ltd.

Address: Han’s Enterprise Bay, No.8, Liangshuihe No.2 Street, Beijing Development Area.

Website: www.ecdcenter.com

Tel: +86-10-67808515

Email: sales@tcsemi.com

Related products

Address: No. 8, Liangshuihe 2nd Street, Beijing Development Area, Beijing, China.

Tel: 86-10-67808515

Email: sales@tc-semi.com

Tianjin factory address: No. 117, Yongjin Road, Beichen Economic and Technology Development Area(BEDA),Tianjin, China.

Tel: 86-22-26876901-6006

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